Herpocet 1

Simplex Viruses!


Controlling Herpes

There are many conditions that may cause a reccurence of the infection. Most of the condition known includes stress, lifestyle, and drugs. Taking a good antivius is necessary in order to help prevent any severe outbreak.

Herpocet Treatmemt

Herpes simplex 1 and 2 are known to cause blisters at the infected area. It is possible to have contracted the infection but not be aware for a long period of time since the virus can lay dormant and not cause any outbreaks.

Herpes Simplex 1 or 2

HSV1 and 2 can only be contracted through body fluid, which could be saliva, semen or fluid in the female genital tract. In order to be infected, the virus mus have direct access through injurie in the skin or the mucus membrane.

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Most certainly at one point or another anyone has had or knows someone who has had an infection of herpes.

Herpes simplex viruses are known to be of two categories; Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) and Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2). These two viruses are the cause of viral diseases very common worldwide. They are also part of the herpesviradae family which consist of eight different herpes viruses that cause various illnesses. In categorizing the herpesviradae family there is:

  • Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1)
  • Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2)
  • Varicella-zoster virus
  • Epstein barr virus (EBV)

Depending on the infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, the pathology can be distinguished into different types; oral herpes, genital herpes, herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorium, ocular herpes, cerebral herpes, mollarets meningitis, neonatal herpes or Bell’s palsy herpes.

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1)

The most widely know infection caused by HSV1 is oral herpes; an infection at the mouth which causes cold sores or fever blisters. By practising oral sex, HSV1 can be transmitted as genital herpes. The infection is usually transmited through direct contact from a person who is infected. It can also be transmitted during asymptomatic shedding of the disease.

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2)

HSV2 is most responsible for genital herpes but can also cause oral herpes through oral sex. Often, gental herpes does not show any symptoms (asymptomatic infection) if symptoms occur, it usually takes the form of itching on the genitals, fluid blisters that burst leaving painful sores, headaches, backaches, flu like symptoms or fever.

Varicella-zoster virus

Herpes zoster is a skin rash with blisters. The virus causes chicken pox which occurs in children and young people.  Ounce treated, since the virus is not eliminated completely, it can appears years laters causing shingles on the skin. Transmission of the varicella is usually through contact or respiratory route.

Epstein barr virus

This virus is also associated with many forms of cancer in the human body. The virus is very common in children. It is well know for causing infectious mononucleosis.

Other form of herpes includes Cytomegalovirus, Human herpes 6, 7 and 8. It has been researched and the herpes virus can be categozed in more than 80 differenct forms. Until today, HSV 1 and 2 is most widely spread around the globe.

Whatever the type of herpes infection, treatment in order to combat the disease is still in its infancy and the best result obtained so far can only stop the virus from reccuring.


What is Herpes?

Herpes is a viral infection and is mostly common in two

How do I get Herpes?

Herpes can be transmitted through direct

How does herpes manifest itself?

Herpes simplex 1 is mostly know to cause

Why is Herpocet Effective?

Herpocet for the treatment of herpes has been scientifically researched and clinically tested. Many that have taken the medication have had positive results and laboratory test have shown that it causes no side effect.

The herpes virus cannot be destroyed entirely even the body immune system can only combat the virus and stop the reccurence from being severe. Most of the time, the virus stays at a latent form at the root of nerve cells, the reason for its reccurence is not yet known and studies are still being undertaken.

As a medecine that combat herpes, herpocet effectiveness lies in the fact that it is mostly composed of the same chemical that is known to have been effective against the disease and have had such result as keeping the virus in a latent form for long period of time and making outbreaks less frequent and less painful.