What is Herpes?

Herpes is a viral infection and is mostly common in two types, oral and genital herpes. There are many other infections caused by the herpes virus but the herpes simplex virus is most widely known

How do I get Herpes?

Herpes can be transmitted through direct contact from a person who has the infection. It can also be transmitted through oral sex.

How does herpes manifest itself?

Herpes simplex 1 is mostly know to cause oral infection through blisters on the mouth while herpes simplex 2 manifest itself on the genitals.

How do I know if I have herpes?

It is alway important to be tested. If you have blisters on your genital, going to the doctors can effectively determine whether you have genital herpes.  The tests consist of testing the fluid at the sores. Some tests are done on the blood which actually determines which type of herpes you might have.

What does the treatment do?

Although there is no medication in order to combat and effectively eliminate the condition, most treatment help reduce pain as well as outbreaks.  Ounce you have the herpes virus, you will alway have that but taking medicine can help keep the virus in a permanent dormant stage. With early treatment, you can prevent outbreak and lessen the severity of the condition.

What can I do if I have herpes?

If you think you have herpes, the best thing to do first is to get clinincaly tested. Some common thing that you should do includes:

  • Not to touch the sores. Wash your hands with disinfectant if you do
  • Depending whether you have oral or genital herpes, you should alway wash your hand if touching things like contact lens or dont put any saliva on contact lens
  • Dont kiss any one if you have oral herpes especially children, pregnant women or infants
  • Dont have sexual intercourse not even with a condom if you have genital herpes

Of course seeking treatment and starting treatment early will help confine the virus. Very good treatment will have you undertaking normal activities as the virus is dormant

What are most causes of herpes outbreaks?

There are many conditions that can cause an outbreak. To name but a few you have, fever, stress, trauma, alcohol, skin irritation, any other infection that you may have or even menstruation.

What is an oubreak?

The herpes virus ounce you have had the condition stays in the body dormant. For some reason or another, the virus can become active again in the same place causing blisters or infection to show up again. Most outbreaks are less severe than the primary infection but in some cases if the outbreak is caused because of another condition, it can also be quite severe.